Friday, April 8, 2011

The Handmade Originality Pledge

Something that has been playing on my mind for ages is copyright of handmade products on Facebook.

I've mentioned before about the amazing online community of WAHM's that has sprung up (particularly in QLD for some reason). I spend hours looking at gorgeous things for babies and kids and often think 'oh I could make that'. And there is that line. Do you go and make something because it is easier and cheaper? Do you do it because it gives you more satisfaction than buying it in the first place? Or do you buy it from the person selling it?

I first encountered this when I was looking for a mobile for my daughters room. There was one that I had seen in a shop that was handmade, but it was a few hundred dollars, and there was no way that I would pay that for what it was. I scoured madeit, etsy and the like for something similar but couldn't find anything I liked. There were loads of mobiles, but nothing fitted the look I wanted. So in the end I bought some fabric and made one myself, taking inspiration from both the expensive one I saw in the shop, and also others online. It took a few weeks in between feeding/washing/sleeping with a 4 week old baby but in the end I had personalised it and made it myself and was really proud.

Loads of friends said I should make more and sell them but my conscious has told me not to. It wasn't my idea 100% and I felt that it wouldn't be fair to capitalise on it.

However the creative bug had found me and had to keep sewing. I had seen bunting popping up all over the place and thought it would be easy enough to make. So off to Spotlight I headed. I spent ages trying to perfect the right shape, length, colours etc. to make mine just perfect for Minky's room and when I finished it I was proud as punch. I didn't use a pattern or copy a picture, I just let my basic sewing skills guide me through and in the end came up with my own idea.

Now I am in the process of playing with lots of different embellishments on my bunting and am so proud of all the little bits I have put together. I am really hesitant however to put it on Facebook. What if someone copies me? Sure, I didn't invent bunting but I have put together some cool combinations of things that are all my own idea.

I have also invented a new product that involves singlets. I am not going to say more now, but I have already spoken to friends in marketing about potential copyright, but again, there isn't much I can do, and it will undoubtedly be copied. So do I make this product or not? Who do I go to if it gets stolen?

Go to any markets these days and there are so many bibs, frilly nappy covers, baby singlets with bits on them, softies etc. It is so hard to come up with an original idea.

I have made a few baby singlets and love playing with lacey bits and frills but I don't think I will seriously make them to sell as my major product because there is so much out there that is samesy already. I have a stack of doilies I stumbled upon on ebay ready to put on my frilly singlets, but after a recent trip to my local market saw that there is already sooooo many out there. It isn't worth my time to try and break into that market. I thought I was being original by threading ribbon through the neckline of bonds singlets but within a week I found someone else doing the same thing. I also thought using a particular fabric was also original but saw 3 others the same within a week too. Damn Spotlight is too popular!(Having said that, they are so fun to make that I will use up what I already have but no more after that!!)

It is hard to be creative in a modern, small world. But there is similarity due to popular styles and there is blatantly stealing an idea.

So when I found this today, I had to share it. The Contemporary Handmade Alliance has started a pledge for all crafters to keep it real. I have signed it and am promising to only exhibit my own, original ideas. I hope others follow by example too. It is such a great market that has been created and it should be respected for what it is.

I am proud of my designs. They usually come to me surfing the net looking at fabric websites, but more often than not it is when I am feeding Minky at 2am, in the dark, alone with my thoughts.

True, honest creativity comes from within. ♥

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