Monday, June 27, 2011

Leavin' on a jet plane

Sometimes so much happens, yet nothing really happens either. I've been sick for a week with gastro (yay for loosing 3kg, not so yay for horrible stomach cramps).

I spent the whole time on the couch thinking about what I should be doing, sewing etc. and came to the shocking realisation that I am kinda over making bunting! Oh my!! What the? I love it don't I?? Well sort of. I can totally understand where some crafters don't do custom orders. It is great to expand into colours and play with fabrics that I wouldn't normally use, but then again, I like to be the master of my own creativity. Hmmm.... was left pondering.

So I am off for a much deserved holiday to visit the outlaws in NZ for a few weeks. They live in the most serenely beautiful place in the Nth Island you could ever imagine. I love NZ because of it's fresh green purity. The rolling paddocks that meet the black sand, the beautiful mountains with their snowy hats on. It is truly a place to recharge (and freeze one's norks off at this time of year). They have a beautiful big garden where I can take Minky to pick fresh fruit and veg, hubby can go out fishing every day and Minks can spend lots of time rolling about with her Poppa or patting the sheep and cows that graze in the paddock behind the house.

What am I going to get out of it? Well there are loads of designers and galleries that I have always promised myself I will visit. So this time I AM going to. Even if I have to drive the half hour into town to do it! I am also going to visit some antique shops and see what vintage Kiwi bits I can pick up for possibly a new bunting range. Or something. Oh I don't know! I just feel so energised thinking about it! Kiwi designers have this amazing ability to draw on their surrounds for inspiration more-so than Aussies. There seems to be a significant influence everywhere from Maori art, and also the colours of the sea, native plants and black rocks and sand. It is so unique and can be picked from a line up. Can't wait to get stuck into it!

I guess the point to my rambling is this. I was watching Upstairs Downstairs Abbey last night and realised what I have long known. I was born in the wrong century. I could have quite happily spent hours in the sitting room doing cross-stitch, drinking out of fine china or riding side-saddle through the rolling hills (in my fantasy I was born into money mind you). I would collect roses from the garden, be married off to a lord someone and probably die during child birth of my 9lb daughter after 23hrs in labour...

BUT!! Besids all of that, I would have loved the purity of life. Which brings me to NZ. While everything is always that bit rosier on holidays there is a certain 'way of life' the Kiwi's have maintained that we seem to have lost, or strive for here. Hubby didn't know what 'organic' meant when he arrived here ten years ago, because all he ever knew was fresh from the garden. Both Minky's Nanna and Great Grandma both knit and sew (and have never owned an overlocker!) so I am looking forward to getting some tips from the masters. Days will be spent going for walks across the swing bridge to the beach and coming home for a hearty winter dinner in front of the fireplace.

If you don't already know where this place is, i'm not telling!!

See you in a few weeks if I ever decide to come home!!

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