Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Inspiration, where art thou??

I haven't blogged as I am having one of those moments/weeks where I question my ability/inspiration etc etc. Am I good enough to sell? Why can't I come up with any new ideas? I think the FB fraternity were recently calling it 'loosing your sew-jo'. Well I thought I had lost mine.

Until.......(I've never blogged about another business before so please forgive me if I haven't given enough credit)....

Sipping my morning coffee and opening my FB page one of two amazing things happened.

Firstly, somehow, somewhere along the way I have accumulated 200 'likers'! That is 200 individual, special, lovely people who have stopped by my page, looked at my things and said lovely words about them. I honestly feel so totally and utterly undeserving, yet proud and motivated at the same time. What a cool morning this is!

Then, among the last 199 or so visitors to my page was a business that has totally re-ignited my passion. Photos so pretty I got all giddy inside. Images with such delicate, pure beauty I am almost ready to become a florist myself!! I am talking about Velvet Lily Florist who are based in Melbourne. Their Wall Photo gallery contains daily inspirational images of based around wedding photos and floral design. Even if you aren't in the market for a wedding florist (such as my happily-married-self) their exquisite collection of shots are sure to pique your interest.

My dream has always been to provide a snippet of daily inspiration to you, my readers. Wether it be a photo or other tid-bit, I have wanted to keep an online journal that gradually accumulates to be a nice little place for people to visit to be refreshed and inspired. Unfortunately having a new baby means that some days I don’t even get to shower let alone blog, but we will keep that dream in the pipeline!! Velvet Lily have nailed it though.

I have a bit of a secret that I will let you in on. I am a wedding connoisseur. Lover of all things lacy, floral, shiny and happy. The pureness of love and innocence that is reflected in a couples wedding through all those tiny details just sends me over the threshold! Those who know me personally will already be aware of my Royal wedding dress-up last Friday night in which I squeezed myself back into my wedding gown. Every time I go to a wedding I am the first in tears and the one taking photos of every flower, table arrangement, goodie bag there is in sight.

More than that, I think I have a slight obsession with whimsical photography. The way a single image can change my entire day is so powerful. The two I have included here have really touched me in two entirely different ways.

This picture by Three Nails Photography confirms my belief I should have been born in a Jane Austen novel. My life would have been that of picking wild roses, sitting in front of a fireplace doing cross-stich waiting for Mr Darcy to come and sweep me off my feet.

This next one by inspires me in a totally different way. The same way reading Country Style does. Instantly I am whisked off to a fresh country laneway, bright sunshine in my eyes, crisp air filling me up with all things good, wholesome and yummy. Tell me you wouldn't want to be here! (Adrianne Smith Floral & Jennifer Dery photo)

My head is now floating in the clouds surrounded by fluffy David Austen roses, lavender, sweet peas and poppies!

These are the tip of the iceberg! I can't wait for my daily image from these girls to come floating into my FB news feed. Thank you for my first dose. Sew-jo has liftoff!!!

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