Thursday, May 26, 2011


I don't know how to do it all sometimes. I want to dedicate so much time to my little business but feel like I am neglecting Minky.

We have just started her on solids so the last few weeks has been a mix of hanging my boob over a bowl of rice cereal, pumpkin from one end of the Goldy to the other and sweet potato being blown through raspberry lips.

As much as I am loving it, it is a reminder that life is changing so much. Why on earth did I think it was a good idea starting a bloody business when this little thing came along? I have never sewn in my life before nor worked for myself and sold things. Or had a baby. Am I truly mad?!?!

Had a total complete breakdown yesterday. I had to go to Medicare, Spotlight, buy a new element for the oven which hasn't worked for months, get Minky's passport and go to the post office.... then realised my drivers license expired last week. F#%K!!!!!!! Have you ever tried getting a baby in and out of the car THAT many times between feeds?

Of course it all didn't get done and we both ended up driving home crying. Me in the front, Minky in the back. And she didn't get her lunch because we were so late.

I returned home to a house that resembles a sweat-shop come chinese laundry. The cats were curled up asleep on the lounge where I had left them. Nice work guys.

But the ideas keep coming and I can't shut them out. How on earth does one manage all this? I have more creative energy than ever but less time.

I managed to get to the post office just before 5. When I was driving up there, a big cloud covered the sun, and gold and silver shone brightly around it. Thanks universe. Sometimes you can hear me after all.

So I still haven't got an oven element, passport for Minky and the cats are still asleep on the lounge but my darling baby ate apple for the first time today and the look on her face was divine. That makes up for it all.


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